Primo Oval XL 400 Kamado with Cypress Counter Top Table - PRM778 / PRM612

Primo Oval XL 400 Kamado with Cypress Table Options
- The oval shape allowing you to cook longer pieces of meat like racks of ribs
- Made of premium grade ceramic that offers superior heat, moisture and flavor retention
- Primo offers the highest sitting lid available allowing you to cook whole chickens and turkeys vertically
- Proudly made in the USA since 1996
- Easy lift-and-lock hinge system keeps the lid raised in place
Primo Grills are the only ceramic grills made in America. Engineers from a major university were brought in to work with Primo to perfect the domestically sourced ceramics used and the temperature at which they are fired at. This process creates a kamado that absorbs and retains heat vs reflecting heat. This allows for less air movement in the cooking process. Less air movement means the meal you are cooking will not dry out. It also means you will use less fuel in the process. If you lift the lid of a Primo grill, you can be back to cooking temperature in just a few minutes. It can require 10+ minutes with a reflecting type kamado grill. Primo's patented oval kamados also allow you to cook larger meals, cook indirectly, and to zone cook.
Options- Primo also offers the largest selection of options of any kamado grill. If you want to bake a pie or cook a pizza, they offer baking stones. If you want to sear a steak or cook veggies, they offer cast iron griddles. If you want to cook indirectly or cook two meals at different temperatures at the same time, you can do that with the firebox divider.
New Primo model number: PGCXLH (Prev. number PRM778)
Cypress Counter Top Table Oval XL 400
New Primo Model Number: PG00612 (Prev. model number PRM612)