How To Clean A Gas Grill

Posted in: Grills

After preparing a meal on your grill you should expect grease and food particles to be left behind. By not cleaning your grill, you will run the risk of contaminating your next meal and ruining the flavor. Everyone enjoys BBQ season but what is the best way to clean a gas grill? First you should know how often you should clean your grill. The best rule of thumb is to clean after each use with the addition of a deep cleaning every 6 weeks. In addition, you should know what products you can use to clean your grill. There are many different items you may use to clean your grill. Most items you may find at home can be as reliable as any degreaser or grill cleaner.

Product Instructions
Dish soap and baking soda Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and approximately 1/2 cup of baking soda. In a bowl, mix up a paste of Dawn dish soap and baking soda. Apply the paste to the grates, making sure to get in all the nooks and crannies, and let the grates soak for at least 30 minutes.
Baking soda and water Sprinkle baking soda on the grill and dissolve some in water. Use a sponge with a scourer to scrub until all the baking soda is gone and the grill is sparkling.
Vinegar and water Mix 500ml of vinegar and the same amount of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the grill and leave for 10 minutes. Empty the bottle, refill with vinegar, spray on and then scrub to clean the grill and its interior.
Ammonia and vinegar Mix the ammonia and white vinegar together. Add baking soda (gently but quickly) and pour into the bag. Seal bag and shake to coat the grate inside. If you're worried about the foaming, you can use just ammonia and nothing else, but this combo will clean even the toughest burnt-on food.

Here are some BBQ gas grill maintenance tips:

  • Turn off the gas.

    To prevent accidentally igniting the grill while cleaning check your gas valve and turn off the one that runs into your grill. This step seems redundant but making this mistake can cause extreme injury.

  • How to clean gas grill grates

    Grill grates are the traditional grill surfaces that hold the food over the heat, this allows the flames through, and drippings to fall away. The grates are an important part of cooking because they concentrate and even out the heat of any grill. It is important to properly care for the grill grates as they may rust. After removing the grates, you want to completely submerge them in hot soapy water for at least 30 minutes. During this process, you may also use your wire brush to scrape away and excess food. Make sure you clean both sides of the grates.

  • How to clean gas grill burners

    Grill heat plates also known as burner shields rest above the gas grill burners to help disperse the heat produced by the burner. This directly reduces the risk of flare-ups and protects your burners from damage caused by dripping. Unlike grill grates, you do not want to use a wire brush to clean the heat plates. When cleaning the burners and plates, use a sponge that has been soaked in soapy water. Next, check the holes in the burners for clogs and use a toothpick to dislodge any objects that may be blocking the flow of gas.

  • Clean the bottom of the grill

    At the bottom of the grill, you may find charred drippings. If your grill has a removable bottom pan, you can take it out and scrape it all away. If you do not have a removable pan, or the bottom pan is secured in place, use a grill scraper or metal spatula to push the burned scraps into the grease hold and catch them in a trash bag. Next, you will use a soapy sponge to clean the bottom of the grill to remove the remaining grease and food particles. Pay close attention to this area to avoid corrosion.

  • Can you pressure wash the inside of a gas grilll

    Yes, you can pressure wash the inside of a gas grill, but there is more to cleaning a grill than just scraping off the leftover food and grease. You also want to look underneath the lid or the hood of the grill to make sure everything is still operating properly. Like everything else, your outdoor gas grill maintenance is Important. When checking over your grill, be sure to inspect the burners, hoses, and metal. The burners could get clogged or deteriorate, hoses and gas lines can be cracked, or age and rust can start to eat away at the metal

  • How to clean inside of a gas grill

    When checking the sides and the underside of the lid you are looking for flaking paint or caked-on food. Gently clean any flaking paint and caked-on food by using the grill scraper. You want to be careful not to scratch the metal or any undamaged paint from the lid to avoid rust or corrosion. Wipe the sides and undersides with a soapy sponge to remove excess debris.

  • Replace burner covers and grill grates

    Reassemble the grill putting everything back in its proper place. Pay close attention to grooves and ledges.

  • Re-attach the gas and turn on the grill.

    Reassemble the grill putting everything back in its proper place. Pay close attention to grooves and ledges.

  • Turn off the grill and oil the grates

    Oiling the grates will prevent food from sticking to the surface. You want to dip a paper towel in oil. To oil the grates, use tongs and rub the paper towel on the surface.

  • Put on your grill cover

    Protect your barbecue and keep it clean until you need to take it out again. Invest in a simple weather-resistant BBQ cover.

    This is how to clean a gas bbq grill. Using these simple steps should not only give you a clean grill to use but increase the lifetime of your outdoor kitchen.

September 14, 2021
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